Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Good Music

What actually constitutes or qualifies a song to earn the distinction of being labeled as "good music"? Some people go for a certain genre. Others focus on lyrics while others zone in on instrumentation/arrangement. For me, my focus depends on the song. I tend to pick out what I think is the "best" part of the tune, whether it be lyrics or arrangement, what have you. Still, with all of the different facets of music, how can a person accurately describe a particular song as noteworthy? (fabulous pun intended!)

You know what is really cool? This is my blog! I realize I have pointed out that obvious fact before, but it bears repeating before voicing my opinion. Call it my disclaimer ~ this is just the way I do things.

If a particular song piques my interest, I tend to listen and relisten in order to pick the song apart. For example, if it is the instrumentation/arrangement that I find fascinating, I will spend hours listening to the song just to learn the bass line or the timing of the percussion, or concentrate on the guitars. When the lyrics grab my attention, I pick them apart and analyze them ~ oftentimes learning every vocal part from melody to alto to tenor..and then have fun by mixing them up and singing any part that suits my fancy at any given time - sometimes changing parts mid-verse.

There is a song I have been listening to for a week. I have known the song for at least 23 years. That's right. Not only that, but the song was actually written in the 70's! *gasp!* Contrary to popular belief, *coughmajorcough* that decade (prior to disco) produced some pretty hot music.

Curious enough to read on and discover which song I am yammering on about? First, let us look at some lyrics. They are mediocre at best. Still, there is a good verse:

I was a willow last night in my dream
I bent down over a clear running stream
Sang you the song that I heard up above
And you kept me alive with your sweet flowing love

And there are some lyrics that if you don't know what was going on in the world at that time, you wouldn't understand:

Wild man's world is cryin' in pain
What you gonna do when everybody's insane
So afraid of one who's so afraid of you
What you gonna do...

Okay, so maybe it is a good thing I'm not obsessing over the lyrics of this song. No, it is the instrumentation/arrangement. First, the song starts with a really kick ... butt ... acoustic solo. Then, a wailin electric joins in with cymbals on the drum set crashin.

The song only gets better from there. I see this particular tune as the perfect blend of all the instruments working together to form a near-faultless effort. The bass supports the electric guitar and is innovative in spots - nice in others - without being overpowering. The drum set supports the acoustic guitars the same way. The bass and electrics provide just enough gut-thumping resonance to keep the song interesting while the acoustics and cymbals provide the high ends and mid-range tones without sounding tinny.

For what more could you ask, seriously?

And while the lyrics are questionable, the vocalist rounds off the song - or is it that the instruments round off the song for the vocalist? I guess that would be for you to decide.

Should you choose to download or borrow this song from someone so you can give it a true listen, please allow me to make a suggestion or two:

1. Use headphones. Nothing brings out all of the nuances like the use of headphones. You also won't be distracted by outside noises.

2. Downloaded music needs to be done with at least 160 kbps...192 is better. Beyond that (256 or 320) is not really discernable to the human ear - with the possible exception of Matthew - but I'm not sure his ear is human! ;o)

3. Give the song a chance by listening - really listening - more than one time. If you've heard the song before, I encourage you to listen again. And remember: my motive for giving this tune "good music" status is from the instrumentation/arrangement side of things.

I hope you enjoy the song as much as I have/do. It is called "Crazy on You", written, performed and sung by Ann and Nancy Wilson, better known as the group Heart.

I have the song on cd. I woud be happy to rip it as an mp3 file and email it to you if you would like.


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