Friday, February 18, 2005

More Thoughts about Words

After my initial post I remembered that women usually speak between 20 & 50 thousand words per day. That is a lot of words! Too many, really.

This led me to think if I wanted responses to my heart, soul, mind, and emotion-driven words, maybe I should talk to other women more often. Apparently the female of the species has plenty to say.

My musings took me a little further: Maybe I just talk too much. Ever since I can remember I've been told I do. I guess it is pretty audacious of me to think just because my thoughts are important to me, I should write them down or speak them out, spreading them all over the place without considering whether or not they are important to whomever hears or reads them.

Then there is the statement my Dad always used to make, "Actions speak louder than words." There is a slight problem with that, however. Sometimes, words are all we have. Physical distance from the people with whom we want to share things keeps us from being able to 'act' our thoughts and feelings.

Perhaps I should just shut up. No, according to research that would be impossible. Therefore, I should stick to non-emotional, safe, surface stuff like the weather. That sort of sharing (?) would most assuredly protect my heart, but putting safe-words into practice would make for a very shallow and unfulfilling existence.

I guess I'll just make an attempt to shut up.


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