Saturday, February 19, 2005

A Musing...(not Amusing)

The problem with dreams is when they die; and they do, a part of the dreamer dies as well. A piece of the soul, a portion of emotion, a slice of the heart withers. Withering is accompanied by a loss of hope. Dreamers put trust in their ideas. They believe the desire to be attainable, and when the cold hard truth is revealed, the dream becomes a bona fide nightmare.

Life ends. Not the physical reality of life, but the divine spark that makes a person uniquely individual from others slowly fades like the flame of a candle starving for oxygen. Yes, life ends.

The more a person dreams and subsequently suffers the loss of those dreams one by one, the more melancholy the person becomes. Hope is replaced by despair, trust by suspicion, and zest for life by apathy. Few people are able to bounce back time after time from the loss of a dream. I know of only one person who might fit into that category. I envy him. I do not have that ability.

My life is moving on without me. My dreams are dying one by one. Subsequently, I am dying as well. The saddest part is that I no longer care.


That non-amusing musing was written earlier this week. Since then, I've had a slight change of heart. That's right. As kiddo is fond of saying, I "got over myself" and realized a dream dies only if we let it or if circumstances beyond our control causes its death.

Dreams do not come true without something in the physical realm helping it move into reality. Too often we sit around waiting for it to magically appear the way it did in our heads~or dare I say, hearts.

Working toward the realization of a dream requires change. Change does not come without cost. Painful cost. Therefore, the dreamer must take the cost into account and decide if said cost is too expensive or if it is affordable.

If the dream is an affordable one, then by all means my friends, strive for it. Reach for it. Work, toil, and sweat to push, pull, and cajole that dream from the mist of wishes into clearly visible reality.

That's what I am going to do.


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