Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Emotions, Continued

It's me. That's right. I'm the other source of fuel for my emotional rollercoaster. That probably doesn't surprise anyone. Just consider it: Our own thought processes can determine how we feel about ourselves or any situation.

It is no wonder that we should "take every thought captive to the obedience of Chrst." Still, I often ponder which thoughts are the ones that need to captivated and which should be allowed to run their course.

The way I think/react to what a person says or does, or even the way I feel physically feeds my emotions. After much thought, I've realized that the battle just gets to be too much sometimes. I grow weary of the fight to keep my emotions under control or at bay. Now, some people say that all emotions need to be felt and processed in order to move on.

There are other people who have brain surgery to correct their "aggressive tendencies."

I really try to be logical about emotions. It's difficult, though, because of the amount of pain we humans are forced to endure day after day. Giving in is inevitable from time to time, I guess.

I wonder about the apathetics of the world. (See first entry entitled "Emotions") These are the people who say they don't feel emotion ~ or enough emotion to consider themselves "normal." Common synonyms to the word apathy are indifference, lethargy, and laziness. [Also ennui! :o) ] You know what I think? I think the apathetics are suffering from depression. There are a lot of times when I feel lazy, am lethargic, and experience indifference. During those times I tell people that I'm blue. Blue is another synonym. A synonym for depressed.

For those of you who feel a plethora of emotions and cannot express them, I wish I were more like you. I think it would be better to be able to keep it all hidden than be so transparent you can't fool anyone. I think it would be better to be unexpressive than feel an uncontrollable urge to "throw up" all over people when I can't handle anymore.

Conclusion: We aren't happy with who we are. We see someone else and think that what they have or what they do is better. Why? We are who we are. If other people don't want to deal with us, fine. Consider it their loss.

Emotions. We have them. Life would be very dull without them. We need to go with our emotions and deal with them the best we can. Most importantly, we need to stop beating ourselves up over them.

Now if I could only take my own advice.......


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