Saturday, February 19, 2005

Define "Later"

Maybe it is just me. Am I the only person who gets confused about what the word "later" really means? It is interesting that our oft-quoted friend, Webster, does not give the word its own listing. Rather, "later" is shoved in with the word 'late', along with 'latter', 'latest', and 'last.'

Definition 1: occuring, coming, or being after the usual proper time. (2) continued until after the usual time or hour. (3) coming towad the end of the day or well into the night...(10) after the usual proper time, or after delay. (12) at or to an advanced time, period, or stage.

While definition 10 comes pretty close to my view of the word, the dictionary wasn't very helpful, was it? I'm still perplexed. Is there no firm definition for the word "later?" All I know is when someone tells me they'll see or talk to me later, I am apt to spend a lot of time waiting around. Guess what? Most of the time, "later" never comes.

I can see now that the problem is me, as usual. When someone tells me "later", I assume they mean later the same day. Ah, that's the ticket. We all know what happens when we assume something....


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