Thursday, March 03, 2005 know everybody's got 'em

... from the top to the very bottom of the list ~ and don't worry, I'll spare you any more Carman lyrics....

My family (more specifically, my -side- of the family) has real potential for obsessive/compulsive behaviors. I won't go into my son's deal ~ that is for him to do, which he won't.

I have to be careful, though. With just about everything. Why is it that when I hear a song or two I like that is done by a particular artist, I have to go out and get just about every cd they ever recorded? (Ask me anything about Craig Chaquico. Go ahead. Oh. You've never heard of him?...gee...) Well, I know the answer to my question and you probably do, too. I obsess over things. Obsession causes me to be compulsive.

And how many of us wonder what we would do without the internet? Heh. You are reading my blog right now. Chances are you have one of your own. So I ask you: How many hours a day do we spend online? For me, the answer is too many!! (But I like it! I like it!)

We can be thankful that I am not going to write about the internet and spending time online, blah blah blah.

So what exactly am I writing about?

Well, for the past few years one of my biggest obessions has been eBay. *cue cheesy commercial jingles* I have whiled away many an hour browsing, watching, and best of all, sniping. I have discovered vintage designer skirts, sterling silver and celtic jewelry, and Ty beanies from all over the place. How many of you actually have a Kanata (Nova Scotia) Beanie Baby bear that was actually shipped from Nova Scotia?? (Do you even know that there is a Kanata Canadian bear for every province in Canada? The things I've learned while bidding!!) I even redecorated Pat's room this Christmas almost exclusively with items purchased from that "worldwide garage sale." (And it looks good!)

I'm here to make it public that my obession has changed. I am no longer purchasing items off of eBay. That's right. I've stopped buying! Now, I'm selling! I looked around my house recently and discovered clutter. It didn't used to bother me, but now it does. I've started going through my music, books, closets, and attic and am weeding out "the kind of stuff I'd throw away"...but other people would buy on eBay.

I spend hours a day analyzing how many hits my listed items receive in a 24 hour period. I think up ways to revise my descriptions in order to make my things appear more desireable. And I've sold over $100. worth of stuff in a week. Not too shabby for a newbie, huh?

And guess what? I am having more fun selling on eBay than I did buying! Yep, right now my house isn't as clean and neat as it usually is. The 50 bunnies that were safely wrapped up and placed into a box in the attic are now behind the door to my bedroom. The vintage skirts that were sealed in bags beneath my bed are now in a box on the floor of my closet. Weeded-out music is on my dresser, and I'm going to be pulling out more stuff to list in the next week or so. Ain't it great???

And the fun has just begun........


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