Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

A few people still visit this site rather than my MySpace so I thought I'd post an entry here to bring those few people up to speed. 2006 was a pretty good year. It started very rocky but had a great ending so I guess it all balances out.

2007 is going to be very busy indeed! There are special events in every month of this year, June being the least busy. I've resolved to lose at least 10 pounds by early April so I can be svelte (yeah, right!) for my celebratory 25th anniversary cruise. And of course there is the wedding in August.

But the first event of 2007 looks to be a funeral. Last night, my step-father-in-law went Home. Rex was a good man who loved life. It had been a tough month for him but he enjoyed life up until his last breath.

It is my prayer that your 2007 is full of joy and pleasant surprises. Let go of 2006 and its disappointments and whatever you perceive as failures.

Instead, we need to allow our thoughts to rest upon the good things. We are blessed people. We need to remember that.