Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Living Doll

Moxie is a nifty little boutique located on 5th Street in Greenville. The owner has managed to find people who use genuinely vintage material to design and make really cute items. There's this one particular red dress...

In all honesty, I have never been inside the store before tonight. But tonight a special occasion prompted my entry. Kiddo was in the store window as a live mannequin. Granted, there were 3 other girls. However, my kiddo, being my kiddo, was the cutest of them all. She wore green, black, and white. Her hair was teased up and pulled away from her face. And her make up was simply fabulous. The best part was her expressive face. When the mannequins would shift into a new pose, their faces would transform and I was transfixed.

It was fun to stand around for a few minutes and watch the faces of the people strolling or driving by. Only once I could not control the "proud mama" syndrome and casually mentioned to a total stranger, "The one in green is my daughter."

The one major bummer: I forgot my camera!


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