Saturday, January 14, 2006

More Mixing...

After wasting spending over an hour perusing, I have come to realize there are a mere sixteen Blogspot bloggers who admit to living in Winterville. I am acquainted with one of those sixteen and many of the others are inactive bloggers. I am uncertain how to feel about this.

On a definitely more positive note, the Christmas tree is not only down, but it is boxed away and in the storage unit with the other decorations! The furniture (not much, believe me) has been put back into place and I even vacuumed. I still need to move "The Ultimate Cat Toy" into that corner. And maybe I should consider folding the towels that have been sitting in the dryer for over an hour waiting to be removed. After all, the laundry hamper runneth over.

Oh! The pansies in my back yard look absolutely fabulous! This is an early picture of them. The baskets are now full of profusely blooming plants. I love pansies. They make me happy. Now, off for more Carpe Diem-ing! (?)


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