Saturday, January 14, 2006

Mixed Bag...

(Note: This picture is entitled "Mixed Bag.") ...Or should the title be "Mixed Blessings?" That's the way my weekends usually go. Ups & downs, little snippets of things here & there. Hey-you should be glad. I almost titled this entry "Poopy Saturday!"

It is amazing how high drama makes my readership soar. My blog broke a daily record yesterday with 70 hits. Amazing, yes...but also sad. I guess I shouldn't label it that way. Consider the big hits on television right now: Survivor (I've never watched it), American Idol (Also never tuned in), CSI (caught the first series the first season, now I'm hit and miss); it is all high drama, high emotion stuff. Why? Aren't our lives stressful enough? Do we take some sort of sick pleasure in knowing other people are as miserable as we are? MAN do we need to mind our own business.

...Okay. I had to laugh at that last sentence. It is awfully difficult to advise minding one's own business when we're all blogging ourselves into oblivion, laying our lives out for people to see. The thing that needs to be remembered is we let people see a mere portion of our lives. You've heard of selective breeding and selective hearing...Blogland is full of selective writing and selective reading.

The weather is supposed to be a mixed bag today. Partly to mostly sunny. Changing winds. Changing percentages of precipitation chances. Possible changes in the type of water fall. It won't be enough, I tell ya! It won't be enough! Therefore, I am reintroducing Calvin:

Andy had to go to work today. Boo! He also has to work on Monday. Hiss! This, I suppose, can be considered a mixed blessing. Perhaps I'll actually get the Christmas tree down today. That's right, people: the tree is still up. It has a few lights nestled within the branches and the angel remains snugly in place at the top. All other traces of Christmas have been packed away. Winter things are still on display (think *SNOW*) and will be until sometime in February. I hope my neck holds out. I've reinjured it a couple of times this week. Getting older...ehr, I mean... growing more ripe really sucks!

Football is being televised later. It is playoff season and I want to keep my eye on those sneaky Seahawks and the nasty Patriots. Football is a good thing! And of course there is the laundry. And other weekend chores. But first, another mug and my book. It is, after all, Saturday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our Christmas tree is still up, too. Not for long, though.

11:51 AM  

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