Sunday, January 15, 2006

Football: Facts and Fantasy

So the Seahawks took out the Redskins. That was a good thing. The Broncos beat the Patriots. That was a very good thing. It was had for me to cheer during the Indianapolis/Pittsburg game. I've been watching Indy for the past several years and they've come so close. On the other hand, Pittsburgh and I go way, way, way back. I was sad to see the Colts lose, but happy about the Steeler's win.

On a side note, my office mate told me to watch out for Pittsburgh this year. He said that somewhere around week 2. Pretty astute, don't you think?

As for the Carolina/Chicago game, yaaaay! (Sorry, Dad)

There is an amusing anectdote regarding this game.
One of the people at my work is an avid football fan. He really has a thing for the Patriots, so I'm sure he was crushed last night.

Anyway, he pulled me aside on Thursday or Friday to ask me about the Carolina/Chicago game. Apparently, someone else on campus wanted to place a bet, saying Carolina would win the game. This is basically how my conversation with him went:

"Connie, how do you feel about the Carolina game? Someone wants to bet me $50 if I take the Bears."
"Man, I gotta tell ya, you never bet against the Panthers. They're just too unpredictable."
"C'mon, Connie! You don't expect the Panthers to beat the Bears, do ya?"
"Yes, I do. The play-offs turn those guys into animals!"
"You tellin me I shouldn't take the Bears in a bet? I could win $50!"
"If you want to win $50, you'd better take the Bears and 10."
"The Bears don't need 10 points to win, Connie."

And he walked away.

Hmm...I wonder if he took the bet. I wonder if he took my advice. After all, Carolina won. By 8. I just hate it when I'm right. ;o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is comment on previous post Hi, you have never heard of me I am sure, but i had to leave a message after reading this post. I believe You have nailed the condition of the church in general. I have heard there are exceptions, have read about them, but have yet to find one here.I am pleased to hear you have found a group of people that you can share that kind of community.You wrote what i have been trying to say for years.I could not have written it as beautifully as you did, but I certainly agree.My husband and I have been in youth ministry for many years. We have always had the majority of young people that the church had no time or patience for.The churches in our area (kinston) have always looked down on us,even preaching against us because we had a very large group of kids that didn't conform to the culture of the americian church. We were with them several nights a week , hanging out, cooking meals, teaching bible study,and when the need arose, some of them lived with us for a time. There was a fair share of bad language, smoking, weird cloths and makeup and yes at times we caught them doing drugs, once 2 kids came out after overdosing on mothers Rx and we had to have them airlifted to pitt. But we stuck by them and loved them through it. For these things we have been called a cult, ect. The church has called our kids vampires,"Those kind of kids", and as one pastor told us "scumbags and children of dirtballs" I apologize for the length of this post. I will shorten it by asking if i may have permission to print and share your post (without) you xanga address. Many poeple need to consider you words.God bless you and your beautiful daughter.ous post.

12:03 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

I am both humbled and flattered - Yes, you may print and share my post. And God bless you as you continue the fight....

4:34 PM  

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