Sunday, December 18, 2005

Some Yes, Some No.

I'm happy but exhausted! Let's see if I can recap the past couple of days:

On Thursday I put in an 11 hour day at work and then came home to work on the den some more. Who'd have thunk 18 weeks would give a person enough time to accumulate so much stuff!? When I say, "work on the den," the statement includes unpacking boxes and 21 gallon plastic containers.

5:30am Friday morning found me at the storage unit unloading the stuff that had been riding around in the back of my Vue all week. I had to do it! Otherwise I wouldn't have had enough space to take all of the staff brunch items to work. 400 meatballs & fixins and then some, large roasting pan and crock pot included!

Even though I was up and going at 5am on Friday morning, I only put in a 10 hour day at work. 21 hours in two days. It doesn't sound like a lot but when one considers what I've been doing on my "off time" wonder I'm running tired!

I have already given a brief overview of the party on Friday. I made it sound all gloom and doom. It really wasn't. I was tired and uncomfortable with my surroundings but I've had worse times at parties in the past.

Yesterday Andy & I ran the usual errands. After unloading the groceries, I went through all of the food in the house and had a few grocery bags to give to Shannon. While Andy worked on her brakes, she and I made the trip back to my apartment and got the dining set out. It is now safely in place at her house. We came back to Cooper Street and worked a little more on furniture arrangement for the den. Shannon and I work really well together on stuff like that. It makes me happy! We agreed on an arrangement and when she left the house to head back to her place she had an end table, a lamp, a blanket, and I don't know what else!

Oh. We also agreed on my wardrobe for Beth's party last night. Shannon promised Nikki she'd dress up so I decided I would, too. Hate Shannon to feel like the Lone Ranger, ya know! When we got to Beth's (leftover meatballs in tow), we discovered that just about everyone declined her invitation. Beth's house was filled with 12 and 13 year old girls, her 2 year old (a cutie and a crowd in herself), one other co-worker, Shannon & Nikki, and Andy & Me. Another friend of Beth's, Lisa, arrived with her daughter Mackenzie much later.

Shannon and I kept the place hoppin and my animated behavior was mistaken for drunkenness. That hurt a little. What people were witnessing was fatigue mixed with a high concentration of caffeine. It's really an innocent mistake on their parts. People who don't know me well often mistake my punch-drunk personae for actually being inebriated.


This is my schedule for tomorrow:
  1. Work
  2. On lunch hour, go to post office, Barnes & Nobles to look for bookends & a good read, and stop at another store to pick up a gift for someone.
  3. On the way home stop at Jiffy Lube to have my car inspected, drop my Ren dress at the cleaner's (finally), and stop at the LAST store to get the LAST gift for Christms.
  4. Come home & hang pictures in the den?

Briefly, here's what I've accomplished and what I have not:

Unpacked all of the containers? Yes
Put down the new area rug in the den? Yes
Hung all of the pictures? No.
Put up the curtain rod & curtain for the den? Yes.
Put up the Christmas tree & done all holiday decorating (such as it is)? Yes.
Finished the Christmas cards? No.
Put empty containers into the attic for later filling? Yes.
Hung clock in Den? Yes.
Reorganized the kitchen & utility room cabinets? No.
Reorganized the bathrooms? Yes.
Finished the laundry? Yes.
Finished Christmas shopping? No.
The important thing to note is while I'm running tired, I am very pleased with my progress and the way things are going. I still have other things to accomplish this week. I need to make a Santa run to New Bern. I need to clean my apartment and turn in the keys. I need to wrap the Christmas presents. I need to think about what to pack for my trip to Utah.

Still way too much to finish up. At least I'm not pulling out my hair anymore.


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