Tuesday, December 06, 2005


How many times have you heard, "God is never early, never late, and always on time?" I used to bristle when I heard the too-familiar saying. You see, God and I have a running dialog about timing. When I ask Him about something that has to do with a time frame I always hear the same answer: "Soon."

I used to see this as a joke between God and me. "C'mon, God! What is time to You? A day, a thousand years; a thousand years, a day. It's all the same to You, but I'm human! Can't You do a little better than that?" I rarely hear anything other than that simple 4-letter word. Still, He has always proven Himself trustworthy and faithful.

Consider the events of the past week or so. The realization that it is time to reconcile with Andy dawned upon me a mere two days before the Shannon's roommate fiasco happened. Do you see the beauty of it? The coming together of Shannon's parents enabled a number of things:

1. The easing off of financial burdens so we can offer monetary assistance.

2. The doubling of household appliances and other necessities. With two households becoming one, there are spare items such as coffeepots, dishes, and vacuum cleaners. Two problems were solved here: What to do with the extra items, and how can Shannon get what she needs without spending a lot of money?

3. Emotional support. With the majority of her parent's problems out of the way, Andy and I have the ability to focus on Shannon and her needs, both emotionally/psychologically and physically.

I tell ya, the whole situation is almost enough to blow one's mind. I'll be honest with you: with all of my ranting about God's use of the word, "Soon," I'll take that over the spoken promise of a person anyday. God doesn't lie. Circumstances do not force Him or give Him an excuse to change or go back on His word.

Are you waiting for something? Be patient. God's timing truly is perfect. Keep your eyes open and your hopes high. Remember, *if it can be seen it isn't hope!

*This quote was shamelessly stolen from First Pentecostal Church's billboard.


Blogger Ben said...

Section III, Paragraph 14 of the JCS manual states "That at no time shall a member of the Jaded Christian Society quote from any church sign for any reason except to feel superior to their fellow believers." Your membership is hereby revoked.

Oh, and I saw one too. It said "Adversity introduces man to himself."


10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So...does that mean you're both out of the club? Who will run it now?

Good post. I needed to hear that.

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote Shannon as president...
I think she qualifies now :)

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy wow! just how great IS our God?! even though i'm wondering how much more of God's awesomeness i can take, i honestly don't think that God is finished blowing my mind...

i really needed to read something encouraging today. from the bottom of my heart- thanks for sharing...

much love,

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and First PH stole their sign from Paul (Romans 8:24)... no I don't know the Bible that well, I just happened to read it yesterday. haha.

good post and good reminder... it's always amazing to see how God is looking out for us...

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops that was me

10:07 AM  

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