Thursday, December 15, 2005

Nope, Didn't Happen! (And Holiday Cheer, 6)

Consider this Friday's post!

Let me see - the things that did NOT happen today: Bank for me, AJ McMurphy's for Karen. (Oh, that one hurt!) It just didn't work. I won't whine about the weather, the train, or the length of time spent in Sam's Club. What I will talk (not whine) about is the fact that once I got home I made sure I had some quiet time. One of the most important discoveries I made while on my own is the importance of time spent alone in the quiet.

A lot of people make the mistake of filling every moment of every day with noise and/or activity. They may not even be aware of what they are doing. There's nothing wrong with busy-ness perse, but if it keeps a person from finding their center, identifying and working on internal issues, and hearing from God, it can be more harmful than helpful.

While sitting in the quiet I had a chance to talk with God about things. It is to my advantage that He created me and knows me well. I'm sure He didn't mind me working on the last of the handmade Christmas ornaments while we talked. They are now finished! (Praise God.)

Tomorrow promises to be busy beyond belief. While I was pressing myself today to get it done, get it done, get it done, I heard God's voice more than once asking me, "Where's your peace?" Just the question helped me recenter and find it while re-prioritizing. It will be my goal tomorrow to keep the peace within and without.

Oh. Have I mentioned I've had furniture, riding around in the back of my truck since Monday? I really need to get it to the storage unit....eventually!

The idea behind today's Holiday Cheer is to find joy - laugh - and spread it around a little, will ya?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that you are having fun at Vickies party.. I am bored.. and alone..

bah humbug..

9:56 PM  

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