Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sunday Update

I like to post everyday. I don't know why, but I do! My readership has dropped dramatically - and I know why. Not that it matters to me that much. I write to benefit myself mostly. Apparently, once in a blue moon I manage to strike positive chords for other people as well. This is a good thing!

Yesterday's trip was fun but boy were we exhausted when we got home! The crowds really weren't that bad, except the one place we really wanted to visit. Santa's chair. The four of us fully intended to have our picture taken with the big guy but every time we went past his location, a bunch of snotty nosed whiny kids dressed in ridiculous holiday clothing were standing in line! Speaking of ridiculous...

Picture if you will four grown women between the ages of 38-52 wearing this necklace around Crabtree Valley Mall. Each was personalized with the lucky wearer's name. What do you think would happen upon entering a store? The first clerk to catch sight of us would say, "You're teachers, aren't you?" To which I would reply, "Oh no. I work in the office. I have permanent detention!" They did come in handy, though. If one of us got 'lost', the other three would simply jingle until the lost Santa would jingle in response to the call. We found it very easy to stay together!

The necklaces are Beth's handiwork. In order to thank her for a job well done we have agreed, albeit reluctantly, to wear the Santa necklaces to school on Friday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Me thinks thou protests too much on the LOVELY Santa necklaces. You love them! Well, you wore it so you love ME.


10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:46 AM  

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