Thursday, December 15, 2005

It Ain't Happenin

No matter how hard I wish for it to be different, there will always be only 24 hours in a day. I'm making progress, just not as quickly as I'd hoped. My external life is in such disarray right now that my mind is experiencing brief periods of meltdown. Two boxes were put into the attic yesterday. They are Christmas related and since I'm not even thinking about decorating yet there is no reason to have them cluttering up a room somewhere. Another large container and one box were unpacked last night. The rug was put down in the den. The furniture has been arranged and rearranged and will be rearranged again. Oh, and I got the curtain rod out of the box. Woo hoo!

The problem is scheduling. I was complaining to Pat who quipped, "Mom, you just chose the wrong time of year to move back in!" Greaaaaaaaaat. Thanks for the warm welcome, kid! ;o) Andy and I were supposed to meet up with Shannon & Nikki last night in order to see Narnia. It didn't happen. Shannon called, telling me two church groups were there and I probably wouldn't get a ticket. Just as well. We'll catch it later. Crowds were not at all appealing to me anyway.

Most of the co-worker Christmas present stuff is completed. I would like to work on some of my crafty items tonight. Here's a rundown of my schedule for the next few days:
  1. Thursday: Work. Staff party and revealing of Secret Santa (I know who mine is!) after school. Go to bank for school. Go to bank for me. Farewell dinner for Karen at AJ McMurphy's at 5:30. Going by Sam's to pick up my portion of the staff brunch which will be held on Friday. THEN coming home...making sure meatballs are in sauce and roasting slowly before I go to bed.
  2. Friday: Work. Work hard. Staff brunch means running up and down the hall to replenish food and make sure people don't take more than their fair share to insure everyone gets some food. In other words: be mean. Christmas party at 7:00. This means stopping by Kroger on the way in order to pick up a goodie of some sort.
  3. Saturday: Groceries and other errands. Start decorating? Beth's party at 7:00. At least I've purchased the gag gifts for this get-together. Unpack stuff? Work on den?
  4. Sunday: Church. Decorate. Wrap Presents? Hang pictures??
  5. Monday: Work. Work on payroll. Oh, joy.

Now see, I have to make another gift before I can take my parent's Christmas down to them. And the list for the week before Christmas continues: FINISH unpacking all the stuff!! Get den arranged! Get dining table & chairs out of apartment and into Shannon's place. Clean apartment and turn in the keys so I can get the deposit back. (Bet they take some of it, anyway.) Get my parent's Christmas down to New Bern. Do Christmas cards. Have Christmas. Leave on the 26th for Utah. Arrive home on the 31st.

Some of this stuff just ain't gonna happen. AAAUUuRRRGGGHHHH!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! Funny picture!

11:35 AM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

You're ain't happenin'. *S*

Allow me to share some cliched wisdom with you.

"Don't sweat the small stuff...
It's all small stuff!"

You're setting yourself up here. Ask yourself what will happen if I don't do ______ (what?) Prioritize...and stop making yourself crazy. I know you don't really know me (I'm Ben & Jenny's mom) but I have had MUCHO experience in the too-much-to-do-totally overwhelmed department. End result was that I didn't enjoy the holidays, and it probably affected those closest to me, also. Take a few minutes to take several deep breaths and spend a few quiet moments with the Lord. I'm sure He will show you what is most important that has to be done, as well as the way to do it. One step at a time, one thing at a time, one day at a time...sometimes moment by moment.

Pleasing HIM is all you really have to do. The rest will fall in place. *S*

Be blessed -


7:34 PM  

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