Thursday, November 03, 2005

Fun Times

The Greenville Convention Center was pretty much packed to the gills last night. A three-band concert was given and man, did I have a blast! All three bands had different styles which appeals to those of us who have eclectic tastes in music.

The first band was Robbie and the something-or-others. Oh, Come on now. Don't be offended. Robbie himself said, "Hey, I'm Robbie, this is Taylor, Chase, etc. etc. and you probably don't know who the heck we are!"

Well, I didn't. But they were pretty neat. I was most impressed with the lead guitarist (Taylor) and the keyboard player (Chase). Both of these guys were pretty young! Taylor had such a baby face and his shoulders hadn't filled out, yet. Taylor played with Shane & Shane, too.

This is Shane and Shane. I've been impressed with their music for quite some time. They appeal to my love for acoustic, percussive folkish music. Their voices blend perfectly and they hit wonderful harmonies! I have three of their cds and don't know how many they've recorded, but do know I want them all!

Their hearts were genuine. They spoke of falling short and just how remarkable and needful God is in our lives. Heh. God is a needful Thing.

Yeah, these guys were the main reason I wanted to go to the concert. I wasn't in the least disappointed, even if some unknowing dude who was sitting to my far left shouted in ignorance, "We want Crowder!" I realize not everyone likes acoustic folk - but with these guys it's more than the music they play. It is about Who they represent.

I had never seen The David Crowder Band in concert before. My first thought was, "My goodness! He looks like a wigged-out Barry Manilow!" Of course my thought was a good natured one, but there it was. Then I noticed Crowder is probably between my age and Andy's.

I've listened to Crowder's music. I own a couple of cd's. I like his sound and the uniqueness of his voice. As closely as I listen to music, I'd missed something about David Crowder: his sound is firmly placed in the 80's. Strangely enough, right after I nudged Andy and mentioned that fact, Crowder himself said he loves the 80's. Appropriately, the bass player/keyboardist (one of 3 keyboardists) started picking out the theme to Super Mario Brothers. It was a hoot!

In all seriousness, these guys gave sacrificially last night. Their pastor died at church this past Sunday morning and Tuesday found the band at the funeral in Texas, only to be back in little bitty Greenville the very next night to honor an agreement. In my opinion, that was really something...even if they did ask how far away Mayberry is from here.


Blogger Ben said...

Now that's a sacrifice of praise! (Hopefully this pun is up to your high standards)

10:49 PM  

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