Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Because of Concern...

(Hebrew for the word "hinder")

A few have expressed concern over my recent "What Am I Doing" post. Therefore, I feel it necessary to clarify the issue a little. The setback that occured was not a "we" situation. It was and remains a "me" problem.

I am slightly worried about my reaction to the issue that took place on Thursday evening. I fell back into some old habits which caused me to question how often I might do that very thing. I'm trying to learn new, healthy habits. I imagine some stumbles are to be expected.

Like most people, I am entirely too hard on myself. Of course, if you are one of the people I've hurt badly during the past few months, you may think I'm not hard enough on myself! Believe me, no one feels worse about the type of person I am than I do.

I digress. The purpose behind this post was to give some assurance that the "we" continues to progress. The "me" just needs to catch back up a little.

And thanks for caring. It makes me feel loved. (and guilty at the same time!)


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