Monday, October 31, 2005

Party Favors

Shannon and Shepard's party was last night. The turnout was dismal. They understand that if they'd planned a costume party at a different time of year more people probably would have participated. I'm not taking sides, but I can understand their disappointment. They worked hard and prepared a lot of food only to have it go to waste. It would probably make me sad, too.

Anyway, I took a few pictures. Silly me had the camera on the wrong setting so some of the pictures turned out blurry. Julie was kind enough to take the ones of Andy and me.

Andy and I did a 50's thing. You can't see it in the (fuzzy) pictures, but he had his jeans rolled up and was wearing white socks & loafers. The cigarette box in his shirt sleeve is slightly visible. I had big hair, blue eyeshadow, red lips - trying for the "Pink Lady" look. Ah, well. We all do the best we can!

Here's Shannon as a flashdancy Ms. 80's. Shepard is a modestly dressed Courtney Love. I decided to keep some of the red eye in Shepard's picture. After drinking all that Jack, you'd have red eyes, too! (That was a joke, people!)
Note: Blogger is having picture uploading issues right now so I'll go ahead and post this. There will be a continuation!


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