Monday, October 31, 2005

What Am I Doing?

There was a bit of a setback on Thursday. I was frightened by something that shouldn't have scared me at all. The event caused a myriad of questions to bombard my mind just when I thought I was getting some firm footing. Now I feel as though I've had one foot knocked out from under me.

On Friday the happening was discussed and resolved. Still, the self-doubt lingers. Have you ever wanted something so badly you almost ached for it? Now take that ache and couple it with the knowledge that you are not ready for the thing you want, even though it is just sitting out there like the perfect flower waiting for you to pick it.

It would be much easier if I were the only person bearing the consequences of my actions. If I were the only person in pain.

Since when is life easy?

I'm going to eat some chocolate now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you doing???

Exactly what you need to...
Precisely what you should do...

12:58 PM  

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