Monday, September 05, 2005

Reserving the Right to Change My Other Mind...Again!

I just can't help myself! No matter how much I try to call this kitty by the name of Rudy...
His name is Aslan. That's just how it is. Aslan is not an easy name to call, but it is the name that continues to fall out of my mouth when I'm not thinking about it.

Yeah. Aslan.


Blogger Ben said...

Thank goodness! Rudy may have been determined to play at Notre Dame, but the guy dedicated almost a decade of his life in order to play in one game for one play! I despised the movie, and therefor was not a happy camper with the choice of Rudy for a name. Now, though, I can voice my opinion that I did not like the name. Now I am quite happy as I camp. Kudos!

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Ben, It was my suggestion for Rudy.
It one of my favorite movies and life stories of all time.
It shows how, if you believe in yourself, and stick with something against all odds, then you can win.
Let me put in in something closer to home.
Would you dedicate a decade of your life only to direct one film ??
I think you would do that...and more. It all depends on what is importyant to you and how much you want it. All he ever wanted was to have a chance to play...he got that chance so in my book, he's a winner. A lesser man would have given up.
Watch out for the underdog, we never give up :)

9:24 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

For clarification: Rudy played long enough for two plays in the game. He had a lot to prove to himself and sadly, his Dad. However, the reason I considered Rudy had more to do with Andy's point of view.

By all intents and purposes, this cat should have been dead by the end of May. "Something" in him enticed the workers at the animal shelter to ignore how long he'd been there. He was in a small cage for 3 months and a larger one for a week before I came along. Aslan beat the odds, never gave up, and from what I can tell, has not changed his personality to suit me or anyone else.

Rudy was a lionheart of a young man. Aslan has a lion's heart, too. The reason I switched his name is because he is supposed to be named Aslan. That is the only explanation I have.

Now then..can't we all just get along? =)

10:18 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Andy, my apologies for maligning a film you obviously enjoyed. I felt that the amount of effort Rudy put into his dream outweighed what he eventually received from it. And I have nothing against underdogs.

Really. :)

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sweat Ben, BTW...this Blog needs spell check...Or at least a way to correct all the typo's that I make :)

7:36 AM  

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