Sunday, June 19, 2005

More Food Tales

Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows I like food. In fact, I love to eat! Italian, Southwestern, Asian, American junk; you name it, I eat it. Fish may be the exception, but we are told there are exceptions to almost every rule. For the record, I am a "salty" more than a "sweet." Specifically, popcorn and french fries appeal more to me than ice cream and chocolate. Yesiree, the Lady likes food!

While walking down the hall yesterday I caught my reflection in the mirror. I know what you're thinking: Ah ha! She's put on weight! Au contraire. I was taken by how gaunt my face appeared. Now, it is true that I had less than four hours of sleep on Friday night. I thought that explained my waif-like appearance. However, after stepping on the scales I had to sit down for a moment to get over the shock. I've lost 8 pounds.

What happened? The only thing I could come up with is the fact that while I love food & eating, I do not eat if I am not hungry. There were a couple of skipped dinners this past week. A few lunches that consisted of a small apple and some pretzles.


I haven't tipped the scales at below 110 in years. I mentioned the loss to Andy. He said, 'I thought you felt mighty light when you were walking on my back for me yesterday.' He proceeded to pick me up and toss me around as if to test my mass. I felt fragile. It was scary.

After forcing down a Dove bar - dark chocolate over creamy vanilla ice cream - I made a promise to myself: No more skipped meals! I can eat small portions, but I have to eat something.

Today, I woke up hungry. I normally ignore that sensation in the mornings. Eating early holds no appeal. It is a good thing today is Father's Day. I made breakfast for Andy and then joined him. One scrambled egg, 2 slices of bacon, 2 pieces of toast, and a glass of orange juice.

This entry serves two purposes:
  1. To remind myself of the promise to eat.
  2. To ask for your help. I need people to keep me answerable.

Will you help?


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