Saturday, May 21, 2005


For the past 20 years or so I have had a serious dislike of Saturday. I know. Strange, isn't it? Especially when one considers how much we look forward to quitting time on Friday. I spent much of yesterday watching the clock. This past week had a particularly long feel to it, so of course I was more aware of the time than usual. What I wanted was for the work week to be over so that I could delve into my weekend and enjoy myself.

I fool myself just about every Friday. I so look forward to the weekend only to wake up to the cold harsh reality of Saturday morning. Saturday is no vacation, friends. Saturday is laundry day. Saturday is clean up the house day. Saturday finds me clearing out the refrigerator only to fill it again. Saturdays are frustrating. They are often lonely and my morose mood is only enhanced when the weather is chilly and grey, like today.

Saturday does bring one thing that I enjoy: my radio show. For two hours every Saturday evening, I hide within the soothing voice of Garrison Keillor while listening to A Prairie Home Companion on NPR.

Still - getting there is often a struggle. You see, I really have to have the evening meal ready by the time the show comes on the air - otherwise I'm cooking/serving/cleaning up while trying to listen. That doesn't work out too well. Especially if I am wanting to relax and/or escape.

There is another problem, as well: I am the only person in my house who truly appreciates the program. Therefore, there are typically a few stressful moments while everyone is jockeying for position. Do I just keep the radio in the bedroom and go back there to listen? Do I try to listen to the radio over the almost never-ceasing din of the television? Or...should I don headphones and stay in the living area with the rest of the family (whoever may be home at the time) only to feel like an intruder when I laugh at something no one else can hear?

Yes, Saturday is usually a disappointment. I guess it is just one more thing I need to suck up and get over.


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