Friday, June 17, 2005

Unfriendly Fast Food

Before I get into the meat of this post, the title reminded me of a tongue twister. I think Pat made it up, but I’m not 100% certain on that. I goes something like this:

Fat-free Fast Food French Fries
(Oh c’mon! Say it 3x fast!)

As if there could ever be such a wondrous creation that actually tasted good enough to eat! However, perhaps if the french fries were indeed fat free, I would not feel the need to post this entry.

Since school has been over, I have been “running out” during my lunch breaks, which have lengthened from 30 to sixty minutes. Typically, the time has been used to perform necessary errands. I am thankful said errands do not have to be taken care of after work. Who wants to fight the traffic and the heat at 4:00?

There is a problem, though. My consumption of fast food has increased dramatically. Taco Bell. Mmmmm! Taco Bell…and Arby’s, Scholtzsky’s, Maccie D’s, Andy’s, and even Cold Stone have become the staples of my diet.

During the school year I ate lunch at my desk most of the time. Fruit and cheese, crackers and deli meats were kept in my nifty lunch-box sized cooler. Several staff members commented about how healthily I was eating. And I managed to keep my weight down this school year, even with the increased sitting time my new job requires.

I guess healthy-food Connie is waging war against fatty fast food Connie. My body is protesting! I will spare you the gory details, but suffice it to say I have become convinced that fast food is a tool of the evil one. I must be more careful. Fast food must return to its original place: an occasional treat. It really is for the best.

For lunch today I think I’ll have…

Two crunchy tacos from Taco Bell. But I won’t get a soda. Or make the tacos supreme. That will cut out the sour cream. After all, one must make these types of changes slowly so as not to toss our bodies into shock. Don’t you agree?


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