Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Whatcha Think About This?

An excerpt from my most recent read:

"Our personal values influence the decision we make both intuitively and intellectually. A person might, for example, purchase a flashy sportscar because he or she values attention or adventure or feeling young again. The car represents a means to that end-although the person may be unable to afford it. Knowing the value behind the manifestation is helpful, because there are other, less expensive ways to satisfy the need for attention, adventure & feeling youthful without spending beyond your budget.

It's wise to look for the underlying value, to prod beyond the surface reason and uncover the more substantive motive.Clarity at this point facilitates decsion making and enables you to grasp what is truly important before making a significant mistake."

[and here's the crux of the matter:]

"This clarification process is critical to effective time management, for if you know your values, you can choose to spend time on your most important agendas. Time management principles of the past were based on prioritizing 'urgent' activities, but a more effective method bases these principles on values. Simply stated, you determine what you value most and that's where you spend your time."



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