Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Something Upbeat for a Change..

I really should have posted this sooner but...there ya go.

Last Friday I had a really spiffy time with someone. This person and I don't spend as much time together as we used to and that's okay. It is the natural progression of things. Still, when we do have time to spend and neither one of us is overly tired or stressed, we have a ball!

Oh my gosh..we went shoe shopping! Now, please understand that both this person and I have problems with finding shoes that fit properly or look "right" on our feet. We have decided that shoes are manufactured for people with small, pretty feet and dainty toes. We do not fit into that category! Therefore, shoes have become the enemy. The enemy must be hunted down and killed before they hurt someone...except for the rare finds...the precious gems that seem to be made for us.

FIVE pair of shoes and three hours later, Shannon and I left the Colonial Mall. (What's with that name, anyway? It isn't decorated in Colonial and in fact, there is nothing Colonial about it!) Aaanyway...somehow a pair of jeans, a belt, a tank top, two white cherry icees and a bag of popcorn made it into our hands, as well.

And we joked. And laughed. And had some serious conversation, too. I felt so much better when we left that place...walking a long distance in the rain to get back to my car...and I didn't even care.

This weekend, Shannon and I are headed up to DC. I can't wait! She's really fun on a road trip and I know she will help with the driving. I need to take advantage of whatever time I can get with her before she moves away. I am really going to miss her.

It is awesome...fabulous...miraculous...when your daughter becomes one of your best friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ehh your pretty cool too ;)


12:20 PM  

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