Sunday, October 15, 2006

Bread Day

The songs at church today included 'bread' lyrics. "Lord of the Harvest" has a little vamp that goes like this:
You are my daily, daily bread...
And we did "Breathe,"
This is my daily bread...This is my daily bread...
It is no wonder that in the middle of singing I started thinking about bagels! There was a lack of breakfast this morning and even though it is supposed to be a bad food group, I absolutely adore bread.

So there we are, up on the platform singing about how we are desperate for we are lost without Him - and I'm thinking asiago cheese! There was a quick shift, however. Along with asiago cheese, there are onion bagels, poppy or carraway seed bagels, cinnamon raisin bagels, wheat, sourdough, and many more. There is a type of bagel to please any palate, provided said palate will indulge in the evil carbohydrate that is bread.

And God? He's the 'everything' bagel. Ever seen one of those? Ever eaten one? It is an explosion of texture and flavor. Better, the "carbs" we get from our 'everything' God give us the energy we need without the quote-end quote empty calories!

Second service I actually
saw bread. It was a large hunky slice of crusty bread, slathered thickly with sweet cream butter and dripping with honey. He's the bread. The butter and honey represented His benefits. Again, good for us - blessings to our physical, mental, and emotional health with no artery-clogging fat & frightful calories.

I think I'll go right on eating bread.


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