Sunday, September 03, 2006

Thoughts for Today

No matter where you go, there you are.
Meaning, you can't run away from yourself.

Troubles? Smart to look inside to see your own contribution to them.

Meaning, it is rarely all someone else's fault.

Tell the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.
(Help us do it, God)
Meaning, half truths and outright lies are usually found out,
creating troubles (see above) and making it hard to live with yourself (see further above).

Some things are just going to have to be done by God.
We can't do it.

Bad relationships left alone get worse.

"A good name is more desireable than great riches." Proverbs 22:1a NIV


"Failing at something doesn't make you a failure."


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Amen, nuf said.

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Jason Upton in Elizabeth City...he said "don't be afriad to mess up in worship."
he was talking about leading worship,
but for me it was connected to Romans 12:1, making all of life worship,
"don't be afriad to mess up in life."
which makes sense to me, in my head, that is that I"ll mess up, I'll always mess up, there's nothing I can do to fix my messing up, and God has already covered all of my messing up everywhere...
but it still doesn't make sense to my still hurts when I mess up and someone gets hurt (myself or others or both)....
Rambling in response...

1:02 AM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Thanks for your rambling response, Leslie. I didn't think to apply Romans 12:1. You're a smart cookie!

So if failing at something doesn't make us a failure, why do we spend so much time walking around in guilt & kicking ourselves? Seems like a waste of time & energy, but we do it anyway.

Chet - thanks for the affirmation. I needed it!

7:08 AM  

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