Sunday, August 20, 2006

Look at This Man

See this man? This is a good man. A very good man. Indulge me as I tell you about this man's weekend. Friday, he mowed the lawn in order to free up his weekend. So. How was his "free weekend" spent? On Saturday, he fixed Kiddo's laptop, formatted the Dell, washed and waxed my Vue, raked the yard, and took me & Kiddo & Kiddo's significant out for dinner. Does that sound like what you would want to do on your Saturday? Well...let us take a look at this man's Sunday:

Up early to play in the band at church both services. Home to fix and hang a lantern in Kiddo's room. Finish the Dell's format. Off to Lowe's to get the necessary items to safeguard the (newly acquired) birds from the cats. Begin practice for next week's song list at church. Called his mother.

This man makes sacrifice after sacrifice for his family. No wonder I love him.


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