Thursday, August 24, 2006


Okay, so the picture doesn't show exactly what I want it to, but the point will be clear as I tell my story.

Yesterday Shannon and I were at Physician's East Urgent Care - which is another story. I was talking to my kiddo about her work shirt & how I'd like to wash it for her. At the same time, a lady came out of the back offices and said, "Why would I want to wash it? It is evidence!" I am certain I gave her my huh? what? look as I said, "Excuse me?" The woman, who I found out later is a nurse, repeated herself. Then she showed us her arm and said she'd been scalded by Starbucks coffee. She had 2nd degree burns on her arm and on her torso. And as she walked out of the office she exclaimed, "And they don't even have any caution signs up about their coffee being hot!"

Well, I lost it. I started hollering - but don't know if she heard me. All I could picture was this woman going off to sue Starbucks for not warning people about their hot coffee. I said, "What? You go to Starbucks for coffee and don't know it is going to be hot? What do you want? You want your coffee to be room temperature? WHAT?? "

Come to find out the old guy on crutches who came out of the office before her was her husband, also a nurse. Apparently, he fell off a roof! You know what I think? I think these folks are just clumsy. They need to stay home before they hurt somebody.

*posts blog entry while shaking head....Starbucks coffee. Too hot. Hmph!*


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I recently had a grandmother and grandson in the ER. Evidently a box or something had fallen off a shelf at Walmart and struck this teenage boy in the upper arm. There was a small bruise but otherwise the arm was fine. Full range of motion and no fractures. I knew why they were there so decided to have some fun. As I examined the arm I said, did you report this to the Walmart management. She said yes and I added. You should get a lawyer, you could probably get a couple of thousand dollars for this injury. Her face lit up and she said "you think so?" So I recommended they take a picture of the bruise and get a lawyer, which I'm pretty sure is what they planned to do. My comments were made sarcastically but that point was missed in their greed. I have no idea how the box fell. Was the young man trying to reach something on the shelf, was he climbing the shelf, was he just waiting there for the box to fall, did granny drop it on him. Man, what a society. Looking for the free ride. Willing to lie, cheat and steal to get what isn't rightfully ours. Selling our souls for a few pieces of silver. Starbucks coffee huh? Too bad I don't drink coffee, I could use a few bucks.

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should see the guy who is suing me. Last year I was in a fender bender. My daughters mazda protoge against a huge GMC Yucan. Barely nented the Yucan, more like scrapes. The dude is 6'2 275 lbs and promply got a laywer. One of those TV laywers. My insurance co said no way are you hurt and I have been slapped with a $10k 'pain and suffering' suit.
Hard to beleive :)

9:21 AM  
Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Last year I had to testify in one of those suits. A lady, one of 5 in the car, was suing for pain and suffering. Reportedly the collision was less than 5 mph and there was NO damage to the car. She came into the court room bent over and shuffling (was probably only 30 years old). I reported I found no sign of injury or disability despite a ton of xrays and my exam. The jury still gave her an award. Makes you a little cynical about the legal system and peoples' character.

11:02 AM  

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