Saturday, August 26, 2006

And The Problem Is...


Ah, yes. The complicated two-way street that is fraught with potholes, poor patch jobs, and perdition. Be aware: Communication only works when two people (or more) are actively involved. When there is a misunderstanding, I would venture to stay that 99% of the time it is not a mismatch of the mind or intent. Rather, it is a miscommunication.

Perhaps we spend too much time assuming that the other party understands what we mean by our hint-giving. We all know what happens when we assume something! The truth of the matter is this: If we want someone to fully understand our requests, meanings, or feelings, we must be straightforward with them. If we want something, we need to be clear in our request making.

If we feel negative emotions, the mature thing to do would be to analyze the situation to see what part we ourselves may have played rather than laying the blame on someone(s) else. We need to be honest with others, but more importantly we need to be honest with ourselves. Communication does require at least two people. That means in any miscommunication, there are at least two parties involved. We need to ask ourselves, "What could I have done differently?" "What role did I play?" and, "How can I fix this situation now?"

Finally, for the sake of friendships, marriages, and cooperation, if a person asks you outright if they have offended you, all means, open those lines of communication and solve the problem rather than perpetuating it by keeping silence and holding grudges.

There are times when we are wronged by the other person involved. It happens. Mostly it is unintentional, but it does happen. Maybe we are wronged. However, could we have done something differently to keep the situation from being blown out of proportion? If so, let us take responsibility for our own part to play and give the other person a chance to take responsibility for theirs.

In other words, we need to grow up and act like adults.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I give two AMENS in one night (or morning i guess i should say)!? Well, I'm gonna so I hope its okay. AMEN!!!!! :-) Mesa thinks me know who u talkin bout. ;-)

3:26 AM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Yes, I tend to write out of my personal experiences. However, clear communication (or the lack thereof) is something with which everyone deals. Naturally I have to open my big mouth and stick my big foot in it.

And don't you think it strange that just 2 posts ago I mentioned that sometimes I do not communicate well? The difference is the relationship is not allowed to suffer real damage. The lines open up before there is a problem.

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is the best place to pull from! :-)

1:42 PM  
Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I made a promise to myself (and others) a year ago. That if I had something to say, I would not hold back. Although I think I am speaking about those things we think about telling someone and later regret we had not, I am just finding as I get older that life is too short to play communication games anymore. I have tried to communicate better with my spouse, my coworkers and my children. Yes there are still times I wish I had given a compliment or a few words of encouragement or even a prayer but I am doing much better. If we would all just be more open there would be much less room for miscommunication. May all of your communications have a happy (or at least more open) ending.

5:52 PM  

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