Sunday, June 18, 2006

Who Are We Trying to Kid?

Have you ever heard this song?
Draw me, Lord.
Oh draw me, Lord.
Oh draw me, Lord.
And I'll run after You.
We sang that song in church this morning. It is a lovely song, really it is. But the thought that is now the title of this blog entry came to my mind. I find it ironic and maybe even hypocritical that we sing to the Father about longing to be in His presence.

If we look at these lyrics from a logical standpoint - and we all know how logical I can be - (/me dodges lightning strike) they don't make sense. First, God is omnipresent. We cry out to Him because we are hungry for His presence. The truth is He is there, wherever we are. Therefore, if we do not experience His touch we have missed Him. It is that simple.

Secondly, God is constantly drawing us to Himself. For what purpose did He create us? If we already know Him, we can be in His presence. We do not have to whip ourselves into a frenzy to experience God. I distinctly heard Him tell me today that if we are not aware of His presence, we are not listening. God should not have to scream & wave flags to get our attention. He is with us, inside us, around us. He wants our time and attention. Again, if we miss Him, it is our fault. We just aren't listening.

That begged the question: Why are we not listening? Too many times our heads and our hearts work independently of each other. We may think we are seeking Him and listening for Him, but the truth is maybe we are not. As people, we have so many issues that cloud the truth. Stubbornness: God should meet me, I've come this far..He can travel the rest of the distance. Pride: I do not need God's presence in my life in order to be successful. I know Him, He knows me. It is enough. Besides, other people are around and if I truly express myself, they'll start to talk. (Take it from me, friends - people are far too self-absorbed to worry about what you may or may not be doing) Fear: God may reveal something about me or ask me to do something. And the list goes on.

Then there is the part of the lyric that says, "And I'll run after You." That is not necessarily true, either. We want to bask in the warm and loving glow of our heavenly Father, but when it comes to running after Him - doing as He desires and following His lead, too often we fall short. We think we cannot do what He asks. We are afraid. We doubt ourselves and Him.

Sad, isn't it?

Am I saying this song isn't Biblical? Not really. I am simply posing a question: What will it take for us to truly listen?

(to be continued....)


Blogger Ben said...

Another big problem is that many worship songs focus on us.

If the object of worship is supposed to be God, the song should be about Him. Instead, many worship songs are no better than the love songs you hear on the radio, talking about how God makes you feel.

In those sorts of songs, we express God's worth based on how he makes us feel. That's pretty shallow.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

So true, Brotha Ben, so true! Perhaps I am still in the "spoiled rotten" mindset. It isn't a bad place to be, really. I've been hearing some hard words from God lately. There must be a reason. I'm going to do my best to keep my listening ears on.

If worship is about Him, let us endeavor to make it really about Him. As stated in the post - this will be continued.

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm running after delusions, if I'm not praising Your name...why am I searching when only You remain?"
I just discovered this song on my computer, it's one a friend of mine wrote (no one you know)...but I thought of this post when I heard it...

1:30 AM  

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