Saturday, June 17, 2006

Spoiled Rotten

During a two hour conversation with Ben last night I was again reminded how spoiled Americans are. Ben has recently returned from a missions trip to Guyana. He shared pictures, audio clips, and memories with me. I wish I could convey what happened to my heart as he did. I would love to post some of his pictures but they are his and I am hoping Ben will post his own blog entry soon.

A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away I had a 'colorful thing' take place in my head. In those days I would often start my mornings on the deck. Coffee, birds, breezes, and prayer. What a way to start the day! One time I was doing that very thing when a sea of faces appeared before my eyes. They seemed Asian to me but what was more important was the hope in their expressions. Their eyes spoke volumes to me. And I loved them. Later, Asmo came to Pitt County and I had the opportunity to teach and tutor 4 Japanese children. And I loved them. I thought that was the fulfillment of the colorful thing. Now I am not so sure.

Before I go further I feel the need to post a disclaimer: My eyes are not blind to the plight of people right here in the United States. And yes, I believe we need to take care of our own first. However, this post is not necessarily about reaching out to the citizens of other countries. Hopefully you will see my purpose as you read.

From the pictures Ben shared, I think anyone would agree with me that the people of Guyana live in what we would consider squalor. The water is dirty, the streets are dirty, and the majority of the buildings are pieced together. But their faces! There is depth in their eyes and much that can be seen in their expressions. And I loved them.

The pictures of their church sanctuaries & of people engaged in worship coupled with audio clips reminded me of what I have often heard: the citizens of countries like Guyana have nothing but their faith. Because of that, their worship is honest, raw, and truly from the heart. As spoiled Americans, we often fall into the realm of the "bless me club." We go to church and give God ... what? Lip service? We read our Bibles and do Him a favor by spending a few minutes in prayer every day? We follow a formula and feel good about ourselves and God. We whine and complain about temporary things - things that the people in poorer countries would jump at the chance to possess for only a moment in time - when there are people who praise Him for their salvation. They really have nothing else for which to praise Him, but should they need any other reasons? Should we?

I considered ending this post with those words: "Should we?" Should we need any other reason to worship Him other than the fact that He is our sovereign God? I do not think I need to answer that question.

When true worship takes place, so does an exchange. We give our worship to Him, and He gives us strength and the tools we need to walk on this earth effectively. If the exchanges happened more often than on a Sunday morning, we would find ourselves infused with things like love, compassion, mercy, honesty, and the desire to serve Him by serving others. Now, sit back and consider what the world.. and what America...would be like if more of us were empowered with those things on a daily basis. Then, share your thoughts with me.

If I am spoiled rotten, I am of no use to anyone. There is nothing nutritional or life giving in what I have to offer. No wonder I keep going through hard time after hard time. I need the constant reminder that without Him, I am nothing. I do not wish to be spoiled anymore.


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