Friday, June 02, 2006

More Picture Problems

Blogger is once again having problems with picture posting. Since pictures are part of my blogging style, I feel dead in the water. I have had a drafted post ready to go for two days now - but I am just stubborn enough to hold to my style: No pictures, no posts.

Because Blogger is a free service, I do not believe it justifiable to be upset. Therefore I will continue to wait. They are aware of the problem and are working on it. I shall remain hopeful and (somewhat) patient.

Happy Friday!


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

So you want to know how to post pictures to your blog? (Didn't I ask you that same question 8 months ago?) I hate to say it but get a mac (flame war erupts). Ok, so that's not an option, try this. Download Firefox web browser, it's free, do a google search. I assume you're using internet explorer as 88% of all windows users do. They have patched that program so many times to try to make it safe that it no longer works properly. I'm using safari on the mac, but when I want to add color to my text or change the default text style I have to use Firefox as blogspot does not yet support safari for text editing. Anyway, I don't think it is problem with blogspot specifically, and firefox is supposedly more secure than internet explorer (faster too). If that doesn't suit you, there is also opera and netscape which are also both free browsers available for windows or mac.

Or you could invest in a new mac as they will now run both windows XP and Mac OS (just not at the same time). So you get the best of both worlds.

Hope to see you back on-line soon.


10:53 AM  

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