Saturday, June 03, 2006

Tons O'Tidbits (finally!)

Hm. Where to begin?

Well, I never went into detail about my last round of medical appointments. The doctor had a great time freaking me out by saying, "Hm. That's interesting." *Looks at LC's mortified face* "But I'm not worried!" Then he patted me on the shoulder and sent me on my merry (?) way to wait a week for biopsy results.

Forgive me when I say *whew!* Very few people knew the circumstances surrounding these appointments, but the day before I was to go in for the test results I reached out to a couple of co-workers. I asked them to pray for me. I was feeling very shaky and was in need of peace and strength. One person went home and shared with their mother. The mother said, "You tell her she will walk in there smiling and walk out laughing."

When I woke up last Thursday morning, the day I was to get the results, I felt so full of peace. I knew, no matter what, I wouldn't be going through anything alone. Not only would God walk with me, but so would my family & close circle of friends, for whom I am extremely grateful. And I did indeed walk in smiling and out laughing. That was cool.

A friend of mine has been looking for a new job. She had an interview west of here Tuesday. It is a fine line for me - I want her to be happy and move into whatever life has to offer her, but I don't want her to move away, either! I was ecstatic when she called me and said she did not want the job, even if the powers that be offer it to her. Ultimately I hope she finds what she is looking for . . . just not so soon! *wink*
Let's see...Ah yes! My friend Ben left in the wee hours of Thursday for Guyana. This will be the first of two missions trips he will be taking this summer. One day I'd like to go on one. Please pray for him and the group with whom he is traveling. Guyana is a little on the unstable side right now so...

I had a good time Tuesday. I met up with someone and had the opportunity to talk with his children. They are both younger than 10. I had forgotten how amusing and surprising conversations with kids that age can be. Here are a few highlights:
Asking one of them why he thought Baskin Robbins had a "31" in the middle of their logo. The first thought - the ice cream establishment has been around 31 years. The second thought - the man who started the company went to a Chinese restaurant and discovered his lucky number is 31, (I'm assuming this came from the fortune cookie) and decided to go with it.
The other child talking about going ice skating and falling down...a lot. Going further in the ice skating vein, I mentioned I hadn't been in several years but that maybe it isn't a good idea since older people break bones more easily. The other child mentioned the need for more calcium in my diet and suggested milk - 10 containers a day. He qualified his statement by saying the containers would be gallon sized. A laughing conversation ensued whereby we mentioned my growing udders and spraying milk onto plastic surgeons who might have to make an incision somewhere near my stomach.
There is much more I could share. It was just an all-around good time. If I forgot to thank the parent of these children for sharing them with me for an hour, let me rectify that situation right now: Thanks!

Choir practice was fun Wednesday night. Our church has redesigned the stage which required splitting the choir in half in order to flank the band. It has started a friendly rivalry. Which side is "better?" That made last night's very long practice much more bearable and dare I say entertaining!? Yes, my friends. Not only can church and church related things be fun, it should be!

Went to an autocross event a couple of weekends ago with some people we have known for what seems like forever, in a good way. She has been active in kiddo's life off and on for about twelve years - a definite positive influence! They both race autocross and in this event they drove the same car. I have a great time watching (and getting sunburnt even with sunscreen) and snapping pictures.

The little green civic was funny. You can't see it in this picture, hard as I tried, but he had one of those little caution signs on the back window. It said, "Baby on Board!" I thought that hilarious - and found out later that while the baby did not join her daddy in the car while he raced, she was indeed in attendance at the event.

The Volkswagons that were entered were so cool! There was an '88 Scirocco, a 2000 (or '01, 02) Golf, and an '06 GTI. I don't know what it is about Volkswagons, but they just love to get up on three wheels! The Scirocco was the most impressive when it came to three-wheeling. Try as I might (and believe me, I tried!) I couldn't time a photograph just right. So, here's a snap of the GTI. I saw this car get up much higher than the picture shows, but at least I got something!

I drove past Chili's Thursday morning on my way to work. I had to laugh. Someone has stolen the pepper...again! There was a box of caution/police tape surrounding the empty spot where the chili once made its home. How many missing peppers does that make? 3? 4?


Having waited for Blogger to resolve their picture uploading issues, I now have more catching up to do. I hope I can remember everything! Oh - and I must thank you, Chet. I took a small piece of your advice and here I am! (No, I did not go out and purchase a Mac!)


Blogger Ben said...

Alas, I had to back out of missions trip #2 because the money did not materialize.

Guyana was fine; elections are in the fall now instead of during our trip.

9:44 AM  

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