Friday, May 19, 2006



Does anyone remember the Bay City Rollers?
S - a
t - u - r
d - a - y

I don't know why I thought of this 70's group who made a big splash in Japan a decade later, but I did. The memory kept a smile on my face for most of my drive home from work on Tuesday. Pretty cool, huh?

I got this email from a friend of mine this week. It made me smile, too.

Five tips for a woman:

1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.

3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you.
4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
5. It is important that these four men don't know each other.

This person has often made me smile in a gentle way. I hardly know her, but that makes little difference. There is something very special about her and I wish I knew her better, though I wonder if that will ever happen. She has done a perfectly understandable bit of a disappearing act lately. I miss her. She occasionally left comments here and I visited her space regularly. That's right. She made both of my "blog cuts." That must tell you something.

This person has disappeared as well. This is not the first time he has gone undercover, but I do believe it is the last. He has rescued my daughter from time to time and I daresay he has, in a way, rescued me. I do not know if we were good for each other, though. Still, he is another of the intriguing people who have crossed my path and I miss him, too. I hear he is doing well. That makes me smile. Better to miss him and know he is happy than the alternative.

I saw her today! The reasons behind her phone call and visit weren't all that great. She had a rough day. While that wasn't a reason for me to smile, the fact that she called me when she was feeling stressed was. There have been several "pop-ins" lately which is also seriously cool.

I suppose my point is that if we look, we will find little joy spots in every day. Even though my doctor's appointment yesterday was not wonderful and has left me with another week's wait, there is always a reason to smile.

What made you smile this week?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Person #1 has a soothing spirit

Person #2 is yes "intriguing"... we went to a blues gig together not so terribly long ago... now he does have a way of melting into the sunset

Person #3 my heart yearns to defend her honor, I may have to fight to prove my worth

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Clay has a way with words. I have to follow that up... :)

I saw your daughter yesterday, and it made me smile.

((Miss Connie))

11:06 AM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

You're absolutely right, Jenny. Clay does have a way with words. I like it when he pops in and sprinkles some of them on my blog.

If people would see my daughter for who she really is they would smile in her presence, too. I have decided it is their loss.

Thanks for stopping by. :o)

11:12 AM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

I got an e-mail from my "missing person" this week, and it definitely made me smile.

Sometimes God puts different people in our lives for different seasons that we go through. The hard part sometimes is knowing when to release someone who's been important to you when it's no longer time for them to be part of your life. This can bring sadness if you dwell on must choose not to dwell on what can't be changed.

Family is different, IMHO. Family is forever.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Too true, Carolyn. However, I do not think that missing someone is the same as dwelling on what cannot be changed. I miss my grandmother. I won't see her until I pass from this life into the next. That does not mean I am dwelling on her absence. It is an acknowledgement of the impact she made on my life. The same holds true for the two people in this entry. Whether or not I ever see or hear from them again is irrelevant. I still miss them and, as indicated in my writings, I am full of joy and thanks for the time they spent in my life.

9:55 PM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

You're right...they're not the same. I'm thinking of an entirely different kind of missing someone, I guess. When a relationship is cut off in a less than pleasant way, you are left to mend the pieces of your pleasant memories together while acknowledging the need to release the pain. The friendship was important, it existed, but it is no more. While glad for the good of the past, it is still sometimes painful to recall the parting. I must trust Him that He knew best in cutting the cords that bound us together. And I do.

11:09 PM  
Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

The Bay City Rollers? What about the Rasberries? Of course Eric Carmen of same group did go on to do some solo work. Not sure what happened to the Bay City Rollers but I do remember them (man, that was a loooong time ago).

Also, maybe it's the season. Two of my closest friends that I had re-established contact with last summer seemed to have disappeared off my radar screen as well. One's wife has cancer and since we too were friends (his wife and I) I would hope he would let me know if anything had happened. The other is a close friend from high school and college and we had been sharing stories about our lives the past 20 years and suddenly she disappeared. I keep thinking maybe I said something inappropriate but I don't think so. Anyway, so people pass in and out of our lives, some we miss and some we don't. I guess it's part of the plan, that some people appear when we need them and disappear when we don't. (both of them helped me worked through my problems last summer and fall).

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I was coming to your site for I don't know the how many-ith time, and skimming this post because I had already read it, and who could it be in that picture that I've looked at just as many times? Enjoyment and surprise and good things. :) Thank you...
I do have a blog now, it really isn't much of one, neither is it consistantly updated, ... well, I don't think it's very much... But the link is in my name anyway... perhaps one day I'll have prolific wonders. :)
I've done a blog purge myself, I'm not subscribing to anyone, just check some occasionally...or every day...
(I went to prom, there's pretty pictures I'd be glad to share with you if you would enjoy)

I really didn't think that was me....
yay big comment.

10:10 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

I would most certainly love to see your pretty prom pictures! There is a link in order to email them to me if you do not wish to post them on your new blog.

*Runs off to bookmark Feslie*

6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're right that i'm in a disappearing act...
I give it up again. (the site will stay there though)
in a bit of time where it's important for me to tell the truth in person, and for me blogging is the easy way out, instead of building relationships where I can share what God has been teaching me or just anything.
I am however going to keep up with your site and give more comments so you don't miss me too much. :D
or I'll make a point to drive by and wave, instead of driving so far away at that intersection...
(off to find the e-mail link)

10:23 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

I know the Bay City Rollers. And I know disappearing acts of people all too well. I know you read my entry "Men Disappear". I do not think I will ever understand how people can just turn it off and disappear - or maybe it is because they can't turn it off and are hiding from themselves in their disappearing act. Either way, it hurts those that care about them. I smile daily at McKenna's happy face even though she has had a major disappearing act happen to her in her little life. She makes me laugh and smile more times than he ever made me cry. I have told my friend that I miss her, but I know she will not disappear on me. ;)

11:53 PM  

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