Thursday, May 25, 2006


To my readers:

I know I have been quiet lately. It is not that I do not have things to share. The truth is, I do not have the energy, and in the case of one blog entry, I have not yet completed the composition in my head, let alone on "paper." The next few posts will probably be fluffy funny stuff to see us through the next week or so.

I do want to say that the latest (and last) round of testing, while it was touch and go for awhile, turned out negative, which is very positive! I go back in a mere 6 months for a follow up.

Please bear with me. I appreciate your commitment ... (commitment?) to my journey.


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Thank you for the beautiful comments on one of my recent blogs. It's been quite a 9 months for me (and my family too). My comments about being judged not only by words and thoughts but by actions was in response to a fundamentalist who told me actions were not necessary for salvation and the Catholics had it all wrong. All you needed to do was accept Jesus as your Lord and savior and the rest was automatic. I discussed with him some of the verses I remembered such as the rich man Jesus liked very much but told him to sell everything and come with him and he would be saved (but he didn't), or that faith without works is empty, or that Jesus told us to pick up the cross and come with him, seemed like a good argument but I was told I had taken all of that out of context...blah,blah,blah. And of course the Catholics were all destined for Hell anyway...blah, blah, blah. And that we worship Mary and idols...blah, blah, blah.

And I certainly did not want to imply that the Catholics had the market cornered on good works. On the contrary. There were so many wonderful people of so many different churches and faiths in New Orleans doing good works. Like the Southern Baptist Mens group who have provided meals to the volunteers in New Orleans since 1 week after Katrina (I have two friends going down next week) and the Lutherin's and Episcopals and Methodists and Presbyterians and others (even Moslems), all volunteers doing wonderful things. That made the trip even more special. You just got the feeling that God was there through all of those volunteers.

So some of those were replys to comments directed to me. It might make it confusing if you only see one side of the conversation.

So thanks again for the wonderful comments and I will continue to periodically post stories of my growing in faith.


10:45 PM  

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