Monday, January 30, 2006

This is Getting Dangerous!

I wonder if anyone has truly considered the full implications of an overly mild winter. Do we all understand that air-borne viruses are going to breed and mutate - making illnesses much worse than necessary? And how about the little bugs hibernating in the ground? Any eggs that were laid - ants, fleas, the like - will not die over a mild winter. Oh no my friends. They will hatch right on schedule and infest our lives with their foul, evil existence.

Do you not see? Do you not comprehend? We need at least 10 days of bitterly cold weather. We need SNOW!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you dont have to shovel ants , or worry about some idiot in an SUV sliding through a stop light on a slick road covered in

6:29 AM  
Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Last night was thunderstorm #5 this winter (I know you're keeping track aren't you?). Last summer we had enough ants in our kitchen we could probably have shoveled them (at least with a spoon). I don't see any snow in the immediate future but perhaps we'll get one of those heavy wet snows later, that pile up so fast and are gone in a day or two. Keep the faith, it's snowing somewhere as we speak.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep holding out hope for snow in February! It could still happen! I wouldn't mind a little snow to cause some mild panic and have school shut down for a day. Let it happen on a Tuesday!

11:48 AM  

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