Sunday, January 29, 2006

Wishy - Washy

Talk about an up-and-down 24 hours! Good grief. Somebody stop the world, I wanna get off! I was feeling fine a few moments ago...and now another small 'crash'. Maybe I should go into if you really want to read it all! lol...

Andy and I watched "The Notebook" last night. Yeah, silly sentimental movies...I had seen it before but he hadn't. There were some things I forgot about the movie that hit me very hard with this viewing. I can't believe I almost let us go. It may be hard for some of you to understand, but deep in my heart of hearts, I know the type of love Andy & I share is the one depicted between Allie and Noah. Amazing how a work of fiction can have such profound truths. The movie did inspire conversation between Andy and me - good conversation that created warm fuzzies.

And so I woke up this morning very much in love and at peace with my little corner of the world. We lingered a little because we woke up early. Then, wardrobe & hair issues threatened to crowd and cloud my morning with negativity as I got ready for church, but I was successful in my attempts to brush those silly things aside - as they are very small in the grand scheme of things. And then....

my phone rang. The news on the other end was not good. In and of itself it really wasn't all that bad, but when one takes a panoramic view...of which I seem to have the ability was just a bit much for me. I didn't waste any time. I sought prayer today during the ministry time at church and experienced peace about the decisions that have to be made and even what those decisions need to be. Good, huh? I was able to shake it off by the time 2nd service rolled around - so yeah...God was good to me. Did you expect less?

After church I put on tonight's chili and then Andy and I went to Blockbuster, where we rented five movies. (Hey, I had a coupon!) Then it was off to Panera Bread to get some asiago cheese bagels for my breakfasts this week, and then...Coldstone for some decadently rich chocolate ice cream. (You can thank Beth for that!) The afternoon has been quiet to the point of napping. Nice, huh?

Until a few moments ago when I stumbled upon a comment that really hurt. The comment was not intended to hurt anyone. It was not even intended for me. But I saw it nonetheless and it stung. I hold no hard feelings toward the person who made the comment. Unintentionally painful stuff like that is part of life. I just need to learn how to process it more quickly.

And lest we forget, we have yet to see even a flake of snow this "winter." There is something seriously wrong with that!

*Whew* I feel better now. Don't you??? lol...


Blogger Beth said...

Did you eat Rocky Road? THAT you can blame on me but only if you got me some too!

3:20 AM  

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