Saturday, January 28, 2006

And the Peace Finally Arrives

I'm happy today. It is not an effervescent, energetic type of joy. Rather, I am content and at peace. I prefer this type of happiness to the other, as it is deep-seated and longer lasting.

The day started wonderfully. Usually when we wake up Andy and I hop up and start our day. Today, I asked him to linger with me. We cuddled and had some conversation. It was only 20 minutes but the fact that he would stay with me touched my heart.

We've done our typical Saturday thing: breakfast at Bojangles and then grocery shopping. The sun (please note the snow picture) is shining beautifully today. I've been out in it, tending to my pansies and talking with Andy about his latest project. Oh - the pansies that did a face plant due to windy conditions have miraculously survived!

(I did not take the picture on the right.) The squirrels - sometimes 4 of them at once - and the birds have been at the feeders and I've spent some time this afternoon with a kitty on my lap.

It is the simple things that make it seem like all is right with the world.


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