Saturday, January 28, 2006

This Morning Andy Saw...

..a big fat robin on my pansies. I don't know about anyone else, but I remember being taught that catching sight of a robin meant spring is on its way. Now wait just a cotton pickin minute! Phil hasn't been drug out of his ground hog hole, yet! What could a silly bird know that Phil doesn't?? Personally, I think the robin was confused.

However, I am starting to lose heart. My optimism is fading. My hope is all but gone. It is just a good thing I am very stubborn. I still want snow!

I understand the picture at the left is of ice, not snow. Do you see the stupid birds? Well, maybe I am as intelligence challenged as they are - I go out in that weather and feed them!

My practical-minded Andy brought up a very good point: With fuel and energy costs being so high, it is a good thing we've had a mild winter. I agreed with him, mentioning that it could be considered merciful. So some good has come of this overly warm season.

Aw...who'm I trying to kid? I WANT SNOW!!


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