Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Opening of the Gifts

Time changes things. Some things, however, do not change. Take for example the fact that I am always ... and I do mean always the first person awake on Christmas morning.

It did not matter that this was a small Christmas. In the words of Garfield the cat, "'s not the giving. It's not the getting. It's the loving." Love was evident. There was a lot of laughter and it was obvious that thought went into each gift.

Shannon arrived fairly early and waited patiently for Pat to wake up. Eventually, she couldn't wait anymore and held to tradition: opening his bedroom door, calling loudly to him, and then tossing a pillow at him to wake him up. What she really wanted was breakfast! Homemade fried corn meal mush, scrambled eggs, and bacon that she did not eat because we all know, "Pigs are friends, not food."

Andy is a difficult man for whom to buy. A person generally cannot go wrong with anything Porsche or Marine Corps. This car flag was a gift from my folks.

I have to mention his generosity. He gave well to the kids and emptied his Christmas Club account and handed me the cash for my trip to Utah. I was shocked and felt a little guilty for taking so much, so I handed some back to him. It is my goal to come home with money in my pocket so I can finish decorating the den and maybe get started on one of the bathrooms.

He has also been a huge help to me in the kitchen over the past couple of days and has been the best of sports as I've disappeared into the den or up in the attic night after night. Soon, all will be settled. *whew!*

Yeah, Pat is not a picture person. Especially when it is the first picture of the day! He seemed happy with his gifts, though. Andy and I have started buying things for Pat's inevitable move-out....and I can honestly say his bathroom is set! We went with a poker theme, knowing we couldn't lose with that.

When Beth and I went to the Renaissance Festival, I bought a gargoyle puppet for Pat. I'd have posted a picture of that but as is my habit I had the camera on the wrong setting and the picture didn't turn out well at all. Ah, well. Pat likes it and so does Aslan!

Luke likes to bag his face. Hahahahaha...actually, he is the typical curious kitty and likes to dig inside things. This is nothing compared to the abuse he suffered at the hands of Shannon. I absolutely refuse to post that picture!

Poor Lukey has had an upset tummy today. he did well though - he and Aslan played peek-a-boo around the packages. In fact, I caught Luke washing Aslan's face yesterday. Shhhh...don't tell anyone, but I think Luke has a new buddy. :o)

Aslan sits quietly and waits his turn for whatever is going to happen next. It may be a nice pat on the head, an opportunity to wrestle with Luke, a bit of a snack or the coveted paper ball. In all things, he is sweet and unassuming.

The funniest thing about Aslan is his time spent under the tree. He'd go way to the back where we couldn't see him, but every now and then a fuzzy orange arm would come shooting out to play with an ornament.

Hm...I guess you had to be there.

Speaking of being there~In just 12 hours I'll be on my way to Salt Lake City. I hope everyone's Christmas was grand and full of warmth. The kind that comes from the heart.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should have put the picture up that was about last years christmas.. haha.

4:09 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

I told Liz about it..I just might! lol...

6:47 PM  

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