Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Holiday Cheer 9

It isn't that I'm intentionally avoiding the meaty post I want to compose. Time is a real factor lately! Today I'm headed to The Pines on a Santa run to my parent's house. Shannon is coming with me. She asked me if she could drive my car & while she doesn't know it yet, I think I'm going to let her. At least on the way down there.

There is much to do before I leave this morning. I have to do something with my hair. The last cut was such a hack job that I'm going to have to have it done again soon. Of course, it's a pain to grow out so that isn't helping. I need to (finally) drop my Ren dress at the cleaner's. I'm going to drop off the keys to the apartment. I need to make another stop to get wrapping paper for Andy's Christmas. I always pick out a paper & hide it so he doesn't see it...but he saw the stuff I purchased this year so it's back to the store I go. THEN I'll pick up my Sunflower and off we'll go.

Heading to The Pines always brings mixed emotions. My youth was not all that wonderful - though everyone has horror stories. A lot of it tends to come back and haunt me when I'm there. Seriously, would you have liked to have had the nickname "Medusa" when you were growing up? So...just in case someone has an idea to repeat the mistake of laughing and calling me names....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"look at that hack job!!!"

what movie?

9:21 AM  
Blogger Ben said...


Wow. Talk about harsh. I hope you turned them all into stone for their insolence.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Ah Ben...if only I could have! But then I'd have had to seek forgiveness as well as giving it!

Shannon - dear child, she had to remind me that her quote came from Jim Carrey's "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cant believe that you didnt know what movie..


8:23 PM  

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