Sunday, December 04, 2005

That Was an Experience..

The ringing of the bells went well. I would probably do it again if given the opportunity. Andy and I laughed a lot and talked to some nice people. Shannon and two of her 'boys' showed up and I think I embarrassed her. That certainly wasn't my intention, but some things just can't be helped!

Allow me to explain (as if you have a choice!): Yesterday was chilly but not overly cold. However, when Andy and I arrived at our designated location, the sun had already moved past it. We were both wearing sweaters and I had a corduroy jacket on as well, but I knew I was going to be cold. The ladies who were ringing on the shift before ours took good care of me. One offered me her gloves and the other offered her coat! Then of course were the snowman ear muffs. They were cute....for an 8 year old. The snowman's head crowned my head and he had "arms" with mittens on the ends that rested over my ears. Yes, I got strange looks from some of the kids who came by. Shannon said, ' that?' But do you know what?? My ears weren't cold!

There was another problem, however. My nose was running! I didn't have any tissues with me, and I was wearing someone else's coat. We all know that desperate times call for desperate measures. Therefore, I was forced to wipe my nose on Andy's sleeve.


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