Thursday, July 07, 2005

A Milestone

Happy 21st Birthday, Pat!
Do not adjust the tilt of your head or your monitor. Pat is actually parallel to the floor. He has done a lot with his upper body strength in the past few years. That much is certain. How many of you could do that? I wouldn't even try. But then again, I'm old.
I must be! My son is 21. Twenty-one. My job is done. Actually, it has been for quite some time. I moved out of "Mom" and into "advisor" a couple of years ago. Asserting myself as "Mom" just didn't seem to work anymore. However, when I address Pat as a friend and/or a mentor, things happen. Good things. He's a good son.
I don't take credit for the way my children have turned out. I am referring to the so-called good traits, by the way. If they make a choice that I think is unwise, I most certainly do take credit for that. In guilt. But hey! This post isn't about me. It's Pat's birthday!!
Pat developed a love for music at around 14 months old. He stopped taking naps at 18 months. When he was four, he wanted to be pushed in the stroller while Shannon, barely 2, wanted to walk everywhere we went. Pat was 5 years old before he realized we were not going to give Shannon back to the place from whence she came.
(I can get away with posting this stuff because I know he doesn't read my blog! Lucky me!)
Patrick has the ability to make people laugh. He does so by pulling out random movie and television characters, followed by quoting their most amusing lines. His 'gay - thuweetie' is a real hoot! In fact, he had a bank officer convinced he was gay. I actually had to pull out pictures of Julie to prove he wasn't! The great thing is Pat does not have to rely on Carrey-esque humor all of the time. He is natually witty and quick thinking. I do remember when he was in mddle school, though. One of his teachers asked me what it was like to be the mother of the next Jim Carrey. She went on to say that Pat's humor was so well developed the other kids in the class just didn't get it and they would give him strange looks rather than laugh. The teacher, on the other hand, had to hide her face behind books so the students couldn't see her laughter. Every now and then, Pat would be assigned a teacher who appreciated who he was at the time. We considered that a blessing.
He doesn't appear to be very observant. He often has his face glued to a computer monitor or seems to be undistractingly focused on whatever task he may be tackling at the time. But don't let him fool you. He doesn't miss anything. Not a thing. Couple that with the fact that he is very astute and an excellent judge of character, and you've got a great source of knowledge just ... sitting in front of a poker table or two. Or four. Or 12.
Pat domesticated Luke. Well, as much as Luke could be. It was Pat who taught our black demon of a cat just how much fun it is to dig in sand boxes. Luke seeks out Pat for affection, attention, and a lap. Luke must be a good judge of character, too.
Sometimes I sit back and look at him when he isn't aware of it and I marvel at how he has changed and grown into the young man he is today. No, I don't agree with everything he thinks, says, or does. But I do respect him because proven himself worthy of it in many different ways.
And he gives terrific hugs.
Patrick has always done everything he needed to do, but only in his own time. Pressuring or too much encouragement would only cause him to dig in his heels and wait us out. He did that very well for a lot of years. But when he was ready to tackle riding a bicycle or getting over his fear of heights by climbing trees, he did it. And he did it alone. It was only after he had conquered the task at hand that he would come back to his parents and say, "I'm ready. Come and see what I can do." And we would be amazed and proud.
Pat is ready to move on, now. I honestly believe he can face the world head-on and be successful. He has overcome many obstacles. I have confidence in his abilities to tackle whatever life may toss at him.
Happy Birthday, Pat. Life is quite a trip. I hope you thoroughly enjoy the ride, but please never forget the way home. I love you, Son.


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