Saturday, August 05, 2006

Better Late Than Never

Patrick knows his mom. This past Christmas he gifted me with this nice leather bound edition of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. I am one of those who was a huge fan of this writing many years before the trilogy of movies. And before the animated "The Hobbit" movie. I've not yet read it, and it has been decades. It is, however, on my (long) list of pending reads.

Today, Pat started cleaning out his closet in preparation for his move. He knocked on my bedroom door and presented me with a leather bound edition of The Lord of the Rings! He intended to give the book to me for Mother's Day but forgot he had it. (I got a huge bouquet of flowers instead.) There are still mixed feelings about his move, but when he gave me this book one feeling temporarily shone through all the others: I felt loved.


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