Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Synonym for Surrender

You bore the stripes
That made me whole
And spilled the blood
That cleansed my soul
And all You ask is that
I give my life to You.

So I surrender me to You.
It's the only thing I can do.
For the love that proved itself so true.
I surrender me to You.
If you ever wonder how you can truly show someone that you love them and love them as unconditionally as is humanly possible, let me make a suggestion: Surrender to them. When it is vitally important, sacrifice yourself for them. In fact, surrender sometimes when it is not at all significant.

Everytime we sing that song at church I think about Christ's sacrifice. I guess that's a good thing ~ after all, that is the song's intention. The song drives home the fact that Christ's sacrifice was in the area of surrender.
Nevertheless not my will, but Your will be done.

Do you not know I must be about my Father's business?

But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.
Surrender is not about being a doormat. It is about treating others the way you want to be treated. It is about loving your neighbor as yourself. And we really must get off this kick about how we do not love ourselves. How many selfish acts do we perform each day? Why do we perform them? Self-love. Wanting to be first. Wanting to be provided for and taking measures to ensure its happening.

When done with the proper motive and the purest possible heart, a fabulous synonym for surrender would be....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

every now and then, i come across something that's powerful, that forces me to examine my heart...

thank you for sharing this... there's freedom found in your humble, loving advice... a freedom i've been needing. i suddenly need some God-time.

i hope you don't mind... but i'm adding your blog to my favorites...

-dana, the redhead who watched her first ever super bowl in your home... :)

11:14 PM  

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