Sunday, July 09, 2006

New Seasons

"New Seasons" come through storms. First, the air is heavy and oppressive. There is a sense that something is on the horizon. Then, a
restless breeze begins to blow. This breeze increases into a wind that shakes leaves and ruffles feathers.

When the rain comes people are usually relieved but the rain of a new season has a purpose. This rain washes away grime, even to the eroding of certain poorly laid foundations. The rain also saturates the good ground in order to nourish and protect because...

...the fire will fall. Whatever is not washed away through the cleansing water of the rain will be burned up in fire. It is a frighening and sometimes painful experience. But when the smoke clears, the New Season comes.

And so we wait it out, our nose to the grindstone.
We continue to work at it until the fire falls, signifying completion.
....and the breakthrough comes.


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