Sunday, July 09, 2006

Is Obedience Synonymous with Faith?

Skin cancer runs in my family. My mother continues to have lesions removed even though she has severely limited her exposure to the sun for the past 10 years or so. My brother is permanently disfigured due to letting a cancerous growth take over a large portion of his face. And I've had two removed. The removal of a third was imminent until something happened.

The growth popped up a few months ago. At the time I wasn't certain what it was. It was on the back of my right hand, snuggled nicely between two prominent veins just beyond my index finger. About a month ago the spot started to grow. Quickly. And it itched like mad. Cancer, without a doubt. By last Sunday, the growth was probably six times its original size. I got worried. Having another skin cancer removed just did not rank all that high on my list of thrills, ya know? Besides, I didn't know how difficult it would be to remove, given its location.

Last Sunday, July 2nd, while in the choir and singing for praise & worship, that stupid spot started itching. It was driving me crazy! Finally, I complained to God. (*gasp!* Go figure, complaining to God!) He said something that sort of shook me up.
"Speak to it."
*Looks around* Huh? What did You say?
"Speak to it. Tell it to dry up and go away."
Now, I don't know about anyone else, but I've always had a problem with this speak to it thing. I have always believed God heals. I've always known the possibility exists. "Speaking" it seemed to be carrying it a little too far. Or perhaps it was more of a "that works for others but not for me" type of thing. Now, don't go into that "God is no respecter of persons deal" - that really isn't what this post is about.

I got home from church and pointed at the stupid itchy growth with the other index finger and told it to dry up and go away. Every time I got out of the shower or felt it itch, I repeated the words, "Dry up. Go away." Sometimes I included the Name of Christ. But not always.

By Wednesday the 5th, the skin cancer had shrunk back down to smaller than it was when I first noticed it. An itch or two here and there - but nothing much.

This afternoon I looked at it. It looked really dry. It had the appearance of a scab, but was not dark in color. Using the thumbnail of my left hand, I applied a little pressure to it. And it just .. came off. No pain, no bleeding, nothing. It's just...gone.

When I heard God tell me to speak to the skin cancer, I did not really believe anything would happen. However, I spoke to it anyway. (Let's be honest: there are many other things to which I would rather speak!) I was obedient for once. And now it is gone.

And so I ask the question: Is obedience synonymous with faith?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

faith is a relationship that is edified by obedience

9:58 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Good question. You obey because you believed God was capable of doing something as a result of your obedience, not necessarily because you felt speaking to the growth would do any good. You realize that the power lies in God, not in you.

Moses definitely had faith in God, but he did not obey when told to speak to a rock in order to provide water for the Israelites. I think that the two concepts are closely related, but one does not require the other. They're both choices.

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I have faith that you are telling me the right thing to do."
"I am obedient in faith."
"Faithful obedience."
maybe faith is what causes obedience, and obedience is caused by faith.
the outward sign of something going on on the 'inside.'
but then...
maybe obedience is the test of faith.
Faith being what we don't see, then if we are obedient when it doesn't make sense (like when it would make everyone's life easier in a "little" lie) to obey, what your deep down insides say is acctually true and you believe about God and life and other people.
You can say whatever you want,
but you're tested in that by your actions.
"actions speak louder than words" is not that corny...

10:26 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

*head explodes*

Thanks for insights, friends.

much love.


10:29 PM  

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