Sunday, March 26, 2006

In God's Hands

This morning during praise & worship an interesting thing took place. I do not want to gross anyone out because what I saw wasn't in the least sick looking to me - maybe because I saw it as a pencil drawing with no real detail. Rather, I saw clear outlines that left me with no doubts about what I was seeing.

Given my genetic structure and the events of the past 5 years, it is no small wonder that I have not been put on medication or hospitalized. They have been the hardest 5 years of my life. Through it all - including the times when I was dangerously fragile - somehow I have managed to come out on the other side with my faith and health (mental & physical) intact. Today, I received a reminder of just how this 'holding together' has been possible.

I saw my mind - my brain, if you will - in God's hands. I was particularly thankful for this image as I have spent the past month questioning His protection of me and my family; really, what I perceived as a lack of protection. After processing what I saw and spending what must have been just a few seconds talking to Him about it, the image changed and I saw this:

Okay, not that exact picture but I am sure you understand my meaning. Even with all of the turmoil over the past several years not only has my mind been under His protection, but so has my heart.

If I had to venture a guess, I would suppose that it is the same for you.

Ain't God grand?


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